Fallout 4 heavy incinerator mod
Fallout 4 heavy incinerator mod

fallout 4 heavy incinerator mod

Recon units may enter enemy land without Open Borders, and gain +1 XP per turn spent there. That results in 8 damage.Fallout Religions | Barbarians Into Raiders Minimum damage from damage resistance is 1, which means each bullet does 1.

fallout 4 heavy incinerator mod fallout 4 heavy incinerator mod

Only the 8 bullets doing 11 will get past DT10, each dealing 1 damage. (2) Minigun burst is 40 bullets, so assume 8 bullets each doing 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 damage. The Wanamingos have DT6 and DR40, which means the minigun would be doing ~72 while the Gauss Rifle does ~18.9 for roughly the same AP. The latter actually does more damage even all the way to the Tanker's hold, since Centaurs and Floaters only have 3 or 4 DT against normal damage. There's also strange corner cases where if the target had 10DT and 90DR, the Gauss Rifle would do ~2.75 (1) but the Minigun would do ~8. It leads to a weapon choice.įor example, a Gauss Rifle (for example) was 32-43 (~37.5) for 5 or 6 AP, a Minigun was 40 rounds of 7-11 (~9) for 6 AP.Īgainst a target with 11 DT, the Gauss Rifle would do ~26.5 while the Minigun would do 0, but against a target with 0 DT the Gauss Rifle would do ~37.5 while the Minigun would do ~360. They were great against targets with lower DT. They could fix the flamer by adding a nozzle moddable at Gun Nut 4 that reduces range as it does now, but increases the damage by 300% rather than ~30% as it does now. They could fix the minigun by adding a 5mm 50% armor piercing receiver to the minigun moddable at Gun Nut 4 so it's not OP at lower levels. The two most iconic big weapons of the franchise, the flamer and the minigun really suck after about level 30, leaving us with the Laser Gatling (ok, it's awesome), the Rocket Launcher (very helpful), the Fat Man (basically outside only, very expensive/rare ammo), and the Broadsider (more gag than useful, also rare/spendy ammo and who wants to carry 100 cannon balls around?). It really feels like the devs dropped the ball for big gun enthusiasts in FO4. The plasma flamer by comparison does 4x the damage and is less than a third of the weight. There are few things more disappointing in-game than a raider who keeps popping you with his pipe pistol as you stand there bathing him in flames for 20 seconds until he finally dies. But why do they have to be so bad? In FO1 and FO2 they were awesome, but terrible in FO4. I know how it's so bad, they're low-damage high rate-of-fire weapons and high-level enemies' DR essentially negates the damage regardless of ROF.

Fallout 4 heavy incinerator mod